Assalamualaikum :D
Yo. Long time no posting. Well, I've just finished my exam. The days after PMR are awesomeeeeee *if you're brave enough to break the rules* TEEHEE :3
We'll go to le Legoland this Monday Sounds interesting but don't know if it will be like a piece of heaven or hell. Hehe.
I have no feeling to go there. We'll go there on Monday in the morning. So, That Monday in the morning I'll pack my things. Teehee.
By the way, check this out dude!
I wanna POLAROID CAMERA !! *what on earth was that?*
The instant camera. So cooooool. The one that can print out our photos immediately. And I can put it in my album.
Wait a second, I don't have any photo albuuuum. Me wanna album. An unique album. The one that can sing a song when we opened. So awesome.
Right. Where was I just now.
POLAROID CAMERAAA. Ahhh yes. DSLR is too big for a cute person like me to bring it anywhere and anytime. So, I decided to buy thissss after this muehehe. Or wait for someone to buy it for me.
Look! There is something falling from the sky!
*Look closely to the thing*
Heyy! It's a POLAROID CAMERAA! :DD A gift from God. God bless!
Nahhhhh, I wish it can happen.
Okay, babai.
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